COURT-SAINT-ETIENNE (BE) - 2008-09-03 19:16:10 - Magnitude 0.7
Last update : 2009-08-19 14:41:26 Belgian time

Main parameters

Date and time 2008-09-03 19:16:10 UTC
2008-09-03 21:16:10 Belgian time
Type Earthquake
Magnitude ML 0.7
Epicentral coordinates 50.620° N, 4.583° E Uncertainty ± 0.6 km
Depth of hypocenter 5.8 ± 0.9 km

Data source : ROB (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Location map

Quake measurements

Measurements by the Belgian seismic network
Station Epicentral
distance (km)
P-Wave arrival ( S-Wave arrival ( Maximal ground
displacement (nm)
Code Place
OT1 OT1-MELLERY 3 19:16:12.16 19:16:12.84 -
OTT OTTIGNIES 5 19:16:12.31 19:16:13.11 11.3
OT5 OT5-GENAPPE 10 19:16:12.86 19:16:14.31 -
OT4 OT4-LIMAL 8 19:16:12.87 19:16:14.02 -
OT3 OT3-DION-LE-MONT 9 19:16:12.94 19:16:14.12 -
GRZ GRAND LEEZ 14 19:16:13.56 19:16:15.23 -
OT2 OT2-RIXENSART 10 - 19:16:14.38 -

Data policy

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